If the IRS Contacts You...

If you give the agents any opening, you're dead. 

They'll start with soft background questions, but before you know it, will have trapped you. And many questions won't be genuine-that is, the agents already know the answers and are asking only to see if you will lie or confess.

Questions typically asked by agents include:

Have you reported all of your income?

Where are your bank accounts and safe deposit boxes?

Can you tell us about the cars, boats, planes, and real estate that you own?

What is the procedure for reporting sales in your business?

Do you keep a lot of cash on hand?

Who are your business associates?

Have you traveled out of the country recently?

Have you or any of your businesses been audited?

Faced with a barrage of questions from trained agents who show up unannounced, most people fall apart. They either blurt out a confession or a transparent lie within five minutes. This gives the Justice Department the rope to hang them with.

Don't Let that happen to you.

As an expert witness Lance Wallach's side has never lost a case. People need to be careful of 419 Welfare Benefit Plans, 412i plans, Section 79 plans and Captive Insurance Plans. Most of these plans are sold by insurance agents. If you are in an abusive, listed or similar transaction plan you need to file under IRS 6707a. The participant files form 8886, and the salesmen or accountant who signs the tax returns files form 8918 if they got paid over $10,000. They are called Material Advisors and face a minimum $100,000 fine. Some plans are offshore which could involve FBAR or OVDI filings. If you have money overseas you probably need to file for IRS tax amnesty. If you want to reduce the tax we suggest that you first file and then opt out. For more information Google Lance Wallach.

 Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, it is not intended to provide legal advice as individual situations will differ and should be discussed with an expert and/or lawyer. For specific technical or legal advice on the information provided and related topics, please contact the author.

1 comment:

  1. Lance Wallach, CLU, ChFC, CIMC, the National Society of Accountants Speaker of the Year, consults on abusive tax shelters, captive insurance, conservation easements,bitcoin, ,insurance, estate planning, retirement and employee benefit plans,419,412i,section 79 plans and other IRS audit targets etc. As an expert witness his side has never lost a case.
    Lance Wallach advised thousands of high-income clients including hundreds of famous entertainers and athletes about captive insurance, 419, 412i section 79 and other abusive tax shelters. Lance also counseled famous Wall Street luminaries such as Hugh Downs and Louis Rukeyser, the host of 2 long-running programs Wall Street Week with Louis Rukeyser & Louis Rukeyser’s Wall Street.
    Speaker at over 50 annual conventions and author for more than 500 publications on tax reduction ideas, abusive welfare benefit and retirement plans, captive insurance companies,abusive tax shelters and conservation easements, cash balance plans, life settlements, premium finance, and more. He is a course developer and instructor for Continuing Professional Education courses administered by
    The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
    Lance is a prolific author, having written or collaborated on numerous books, including 'The CPA Guide to Life Insurance', published by BISK Education, 'The Team Approach to Tax and Financial Planning', published by the American Institute of CPA s, and most recently 'Protecting Clients from Fraud, Incompetence, and Scams', published by Wiley. He has been hired as an expert witness on some issues of which he speaks about, and to this day, Lance Wallach has never lost a case.
    Lance Wallach has appeared on radio and TV financial programs, most recently, on National Public Radio and NBC 25. Lance consults on abusive tax shelters like 412i,419, section 79, captive insurance bitcoin, easements, tax shelters and VEBA Plans.
    Additionally, Lance Wallach's expertise is sought after by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, U.S. Department of Labor, the Enforcement Unit of the IRS The State Inusrance Dept etc.
