Senior Abuses: CJA and associates 419 412i section 79 scam audits lawsuits

Senior Abuses: CJA and associates 419 412i section 79 scam audits lawsuits

1 comment:

  1. The Inter-American Insurance Co. of Illinois (Inter-
    American) specializes in providing to small, closely held
    corporations products such as qualified pension and profit
    sharing plans and group life insurance plans. When Inter-
    16 -
    American was formed in the late 1970’s, it was owned indirectly
    by Beaven/Inter-American Cos., Inc. (Beaven/Inter-American), the
    wholly owned company of Raymond G. Ankner (Mr. Ankner), who has
    worked in the insurance industry for more than 30 years. Inter-
    American liquidated on December 23, 1991, pursuant to a court
    order to do so, and Beaven/Inter-American changed its name to
    Beaven Cos., Inc. Mr. Ankner currently markets the life
    insurance products described herein through a company of his
    called CJA & Associates.
